SoWa FIRST FRIDAY - August 1st 2014
In Studio 223B, at the Sowa First Friday 5-9 PM, 450 Harrison Ave, Boston, "Naughty Girl", oil, 36 X 28", (a nearly ill fated painting that was so much trouble because it was started in all the wrong ways) will have its debut.
It's amazing that Naughty Girl turned out so right for all its wayward twists and turns. This painting was pulled out of a deep dive at the last moments by a change of back ground color, the addition of composition elements and the Muse. Painting, like genius, is 99% perspiration, the other 1%, in my opinion, is luck.
And in the wings, not so ready for prime time, is "Strange Brew". Little details need to be cleaned up when the paint dries. Then it will need to be varnished. This weeks work brought the painting to this:
from this: