A Strange Brew (2)
c2014 Dioguardi
Ahh.....a mystery no more. Finally, after years of wanting to paint beautiful, over-the-top colorful and mysterious Chinese groceries , it's happening. Hopefully, this will be the first in a series; Three Bags Full.
The changes from week 1 to week 2 included many drawing corrections. There will be ever more corrections as a paint it along.
The colors are certainly there from my previous subjects. The big difference here is in the amount of patterns and details. Previous work is somewhat deliberately devoid of details and patterns, somethings that I was ner much interested in. This leads me to believe that painting is still full of discovery and surprise. What might surprise you is that this is 24" X 24". If this was going to be a failure, it's better to go down in flames than in a puff of smoke. And so it goes.