Don't Let the Good Be the enemy of....

You've heard the old saying "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good". There is much truth to that. However, my saying is "Don't let good be the enemy of better" (and you can quote me on that). 

In painting this week there was this little cup that went spot on. It practically painted itself and that was very satisfying. Then there was the next day and in taking a new look it was obvious that the composition would be much better if the cup was moved up and over just 1/2 little inch. Not a big difference, you say, but in my eye it was so much better. 

What to do? Leave it alone? Work around it? Let it be good enough? I took a deep breath and I repeated my painting mantra: "Don't let the good be the enemy of better" and with the same pallet knife that the cup was painted with, the cup was scraped out. Painting is the art of non-attachment. 

PS: And because Everything is connected to Everything; when this cup was corrected, everything else changed in the panting and everything had to be corrected. And so it was. And so it goes.


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