On The Easel 2 - From Yesterday to Today

Here is a great example of digital deception as it relates to color depiction. The same HDR digital app was used yesterday and today but the digital interpretation is so totally different. Today's interpretation is better on the blues but worse on the reds. For instance, the dark red shadow side of the bright red cup front and left was is virtually indiscernible in today's image interpretation.

Most of the day painting time was spent correcting both the drawing and colors in the front, left side  yellow cup and tangerine saucer. The plan is to move around the painting and adjust everything in relationship to everything. The green saucer on which the moka pot sits was painted in and then the lime green cup to the front and right was also color and drawing corrected. What I feel is missing from the painting, at this point, is the "red glow" of the background permeating the real life set up. The glow is what I am going for.


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