SoWa First Friday, December 2, 2012

Dioguardicpyrt2012 Moka Pot Study9 X 6in
This little study above was inspired by breaking down my large still life for "Her Harlequin Hovers Nearby".  As the cups were removed, this simple moka pot was just sitting there and called me back to paint it just as it was. It's still drying and not ready for prime time...December's SoWa First Friday.

It is that ime to come by 450 Harrison Ave, Boston, wander the halls and see what and who is new in the SoWa studio art building. I hear some artists are having sales (not me).  Mike is suppose to come by and show his line of Boston inspired T shirts in my studio 223B. I will have gift tiles there for this month only: 8 X 8 inch of reproductions of details from my kitchen still lifes, $40 each.  My husband, John Borchard,  is showing his grand photographs at special holiday prices. Tutto Bene!


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