Seeing Red -not

Moka Express Red, Marian Dioguardi 2012

Above is a photographic crop of the reds I am seeing (or not).
In my pursuit of bouncing light and bright colors I have set up another live still life in my Moka Express series. This painting is basically a study of the spectrum from magenta to orange.

Red is a color I have been drawn to since student work days when my Sumo wrestler figure was placed against a red background, much to the shock of my teacher. In words that may have been TOO encouraging to me he said "Red is very difficult to work with as a background and seldom have I seen it used so well.". What he didn't tell me is why red is difficult.  I can tell you now: it's because you stop seeing the subtleties as you look into  red fields. Cones fatigue.Green emerges. All the reds begin to neutralize. One just stops seeing .

 When this happens I must take a break. I post a blog, check emails, cut up some kale and go find a green tree to stare at. With all that said Red is also energizing, exciting and addictive. I cant stay away from it for very long. So on back into the studio to the challenging Moka Express Red. Now.


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