Off the Easel
It can get difficult to keep a blog up and keep up with painting. I can let the blogging slip, not so easy with painting. As a consolation prize for not having such an active blog here are two new paintings off the easel which will debut at my next show, opening in March at Athan's European Bakery in Brookline, MA, curated by John Quatrale. He is calling the show "La Dolce Vita" and it's oh so fitting a tile when combined with Athan's suberb cookies, dreamy pastries and outrageous chocolates.
When artists get together, often the topic arises on how to keep up with our painting and the other activities that support our paintings, such as shows, blogs, websites. Then there are the activities that sustain our bodies, such as exercise, cooking and cleaning. And last but not least are the activities that sustain our relationships with family & friends. I manage to carve out the time by giving up TV. I have not owned a TV since 1988. That is my secret.
Thank goodness I have an iPad and can watch the Three Stooges in times of need need. That is my other secret.