Happiness is...

Seeing an artistic vision become real. That was one of the many things that made me happy at last week's First Friday. I finally saw the canal scene which I envisioned five years ago become real on the wall of my studio. For those lucky enough to come by that evening, you saw it too. It may never be experienced again. I took this picture with all eight homes as they hung on the wall, last Friday. Today there are six homes (two now in private collections). You can also see the studies that I prepared, painted studies and line drawings, before I made the paintings. It all came together and it felt very satisfying. Thank you everyone.

The other thing that made me happy was to see my friend Mario's project become real. He had a great team, TEAM HAPPY, who recorded, filmed, showed videos , made music, sent out good vibes and proved happiness is contagious. Two hundred people contributed to expanding our Happy Post installation that night.
There is a great Erik Angra Happy Post video here. Please take the time to click on the link and be happy.


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