Final Project -Advanced Drawing-Harvard Graduate School of Design
Above is the work of a Harvard Design School Student, Allison Dailey.
Twice a year since 2006 I have been invited by Anne McGhee of the Harvard Graduate School of Design to join her cross-art group of critics to critique the Advance Drawing Class. It's always very exciting to see how each student approaches the same assignment (or not) in such different ways. This hand drawing class is there to rekindle the creative hand drawing skills for designers and help cut the cold technological drawings of the computer. By all evidence from this class, it works. Allison Dailey's work. shown above. was very interesting and beautiful to my eye. And maybe because it is so different than my own work, I had a very real appreciation for the complexity and process she was working out in her mind trough her hand. I can't help but think that she will have some wonderful landscape architecture designs to unleash in the future.Brava and Bravo to all those willing to let their hand speak their mind.