A Change in Circumstance

You can now see all four paintings, 24" X 24" titled " A Change in Circumstance". I really don't know what to say except that I feel a bit bereft at having completed this work. It was a joy to go into my dungeon (this is what I affectionately call my studio in the stone basement of my home) and paint these for the last 10 weeks. Right now, I have them lined along the floor of my studio. I can look up from the studies I am painting , especially when I am struggling, and see that indeed I can paint.

My client is coming over in the next week or so to see them "in person". I have been thrilled at her reaction to seeing them as e-mailed thumbnail images. "Fantastic" was one reaction. I am pleased. She might like them as much as I do. That would be a happy ending to this story.

Today, I cleaned out my studio, set up a new study and put a blank panel on the easel. I start a new painting tomorrow, a clothesline. That has cheered me up because in my mind's eye I will be back in Burano, Italy for the next six weeks or so. Buono Viaggio .


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